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"ETNA TRA MITO, STORIA E LEGGENDA" di Franco Parello e Sergio Calabrese
ore 17:00 - Conferenza di Franco Parello, foto di Sergio Calabrese, coordina Giovannella Pecoraino
(elim) Etna tra mito, storia e leggenda vuol dire riscoprire la centralità dell'anima della nostra Civiltà che è riduttivo immaginare costretta nella nostra piccola eppur meravigliosa Terra di Sicilia.
dal relatore: "
Qualche notizia sulla presentazione: parlerò della relazione tra il mito e l'attività vulcanica nel corso dei secoli e in varie parti della terra; dai vulcani del Mediterraneo a quelli del Pacifico, fino all'avvento della Scienza e alla nascita della moderna Vulcanologia...."
Brief Curriculum Vitae Prof. Francesco Parello
Brief Biography
Francesco Parello was born in Palermo on October 19 1956. He attended the university of Palermo where received is degree in Geological Science in 1981. In 1982 was habilitated as researcher at Faculty of Science of University of Palermo. From 2004 he is Full Professor of Geochemistry and Volcanology at the Department DiSTeM of Palermo University.
Research activity
Francesco Parello is author of 120 scientific paper (42 in international (ISI) peer reviewed journals (source, Scopus H-Index, 15).
Researches of F. Parello have ranged over many aspects of Geochemistry. These have included:
Hydrogeochemistry of geothermal systems, using stable isotopes and chemical data to study the origin and evolution of thermal springs.
Precipitation- dissolution processes in lacustrine environments, where the relationships between lake waters and spring waters feeding the lake have been investigated.
Geochemistry of groundwaters in order to obtain the chemical and isotopic data to discuss the origin of waters and solutes and also to individuate mixing processes.
Geochemical surveillance of active volcanoes where the research has been focused on the influence of volcanic activity on the composition of ground-waters in many active volcanoes.
Environmental geochemistry, with particular emphasis on the environmental impact of volcanic emissions.
Moreover he has been involved for more than 25 years in volcanological studies in various regions of the world (Italy, Lesser Antilles, Central America, Melanesia and Japan). In this period he has become specialized in chemical and isotopic studies of volcanic volatile emissions (high temperature gases and soil gas emanations) and in geochemical studies regarding process of interaction between volcanic gases and groundwaters.
F.Parello has been involved in various international European programmes and has been coordinating some U.R. of GNV Projects between 1993-2009.
In the framework of a research program in the Pacific area coordinated by France group (IPGP, CNRS), Francesco Parello has worked in Tanna (Yasur volcano) and Ambrym islands in 2008, with the aim of the characterisation of a) the volatile emissions from Vanuatu Volcanoes, and b) the study of geochemistry of thermal waters of Ambrym and Tanna geothermal systems, and c) the study of the impact of volcanic emissions on the environment.
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